Good smells, tasty tea, and sea life

I’m keeping up with TAD this year! And it’s already day 20! I don’ t think I’ve ever been on such an art stretch before. It’s pretty cool.


This drawing is of my little red betta Pineapple. He was watching me while I was drawing him, and then when I finished he moved to a better position to draw where you can see his beautiful fins. Go figure 🙂




I watched a national geographic show about ‘Migrations’ and they had a crab migration on there. I was inspired to draw crabs. They are such cute, yet creepy little characters.



We had an art therapy session at work. Luckily I had some slow time and I was able to participate. I made an orange pomander. I’ve never made one before, but I love love love the smell of citrus and cinnamon. I can’t wait til it dries a bit more, then the smell will be a bit stronger.




Yesterday I had some ‘Wild Strawberry Tea’. The packet was so pretty I decided to draw it. This was some tea I had gotten in a tea swap a while back. When brewed it has this beautiful deep red color. It did not need any sweetener, and it was rather fresh tasting. Unfortunately, my tummy hurt afterward. I think I would still try it again, just to be sure. It is very good. I don’t think I’ve ever tried tea from Heath & Heather before. I really like their marketing (the illustrations on their tea packets).


Plus I read that drinking white or herbal tea is the same as drinking water, so it counts towards my 8 glasses of water a day! Bonus.




What will she do next!!!