I finally finished some ATCs for an art swap….and now I have to start on the ones due Thurs. Woot. I had to do one that represented each of the four seasons, and I’m  happy with how they came out. They’re quite cute. (top left: Fall, top right: winter, bottom left: spring, bottom right: summer)


I also did my classic pond scene and two more of the baby amazon milk frogs. Now onto the next challenge!!!

Watercolor Class #6 (I believe)

We got a new teacher again, Mel. The way he teaches, he quickly does the entire painting and then lets us work on ours the rest of the class. I think I like it better where the instructor teaches it in stages, but I’m not sure yet. He did teach us how to make people, and I love it. I’m going to practice painting more pictures like this one. And since I’m done with my sketchbook, I’m going to finally finish the poppy painting I was all excited about last week. Hopefully I’ll paint more of those too!

