
Yay for art! So for my art swap challenge I had to make a Hedgie ATC. I decided to do it Sumi-e style. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know. I think it came out alright.

sumi hedgie


I had to draw quite a few hedgies before I finally picked one.


I finally got around to drawing my desert woman. She’s been hiding in my bathroom. If you’ve ever seen my bathroom, that statement will make sense to you. We used sponges and a few different colors to decorate the bathroom walls – so there are lots of different shapes and colors for my imagination to work with when I brush my teeth or blow dry my hair. I have found eagles, dogs, dinosaurs, owls, people, and usually it always changes. For some reaons though I have always been able to find my desert woman, she never changes and I’ve been wanting to draw he for awhile. So I finally did.

desest womanI’m sure I’ll draw her again. It’s amazing where inspiration comes from isn’t it?


  1. lesliepaints said,

    November 11, 2009 at 1:30 am

    I’m going to have to pay more attention to walls, Littlelynx, if they give this kind of inspiration. The hedgies are priceless. I like the second one where they look like they are hiding in the grass. How’s the journal class coming?

    • littlelynx said,

      November 11, 2009 at 5:16 am

      Inspiration can come from anywhere, I am happy to say!

      The journal class got put on hold while I was being picky about a journal, but I finally found one. It’s going to be my experimental journal where I can try all the different techniques and mixed media I’m learning about. I’m very excited to start it, I will definitely post!

  2. wz said,

    November 11, 2009 at 1:48 am

    excellent hedge!

    just wanted to share this story and the cute hedgehog.

    • littlelynx said,

      November 11, 2009 at 5:14 am

      You are my 100th comment!! Woot!!

      I kind of giggled that you sent me an article on pet insurance, but what they’re saying is true.

  3. Halc said,

    November 11, 2009 at 9:14 pm

    Yay updates! Makes me want to draw again. Which really, I have no excuse not to. Kinda need a topic, though… give me an assignment? 🙂 I felt too blah to draw when sick, but I am feeling up to the challenge now. It:s time to practice and improve!

    Your hedgehogs very cute, btw, but I dont like it being called a hedgie. Too hipster for me. :p Then again, I say ‘jelli’ instead of jealous a lot (mostly to soften it and make fun of it coz jealous is an ugly word…) .. so yeah. Lol.

    Good luck with your journal! Give me art assignment and i will make it happen.

    • littlelynx said,

      November 13, 2009 at 8:35 pm

      Your assignments (just in case you forget) are: 1.) A cute robot 2.) a dog shrine guardian 3.) a chibi dog shrine guardian

      I want to see them when you are done!!!!

      And I like the word hedgie. Its adorable and cute, like the hedgehog itself.

      Thanks for saying good luck with my journal, I got distracted and started painting the drawers of the organizer on my desk. 😛

  4. halcyonandon said,

    November 15, 2009 at 9:35 pm

    Yo! I drew the shi-shi dog Friday night!!! It took me 2 hours to shade it but I am happy with it. it was especially good practice for a dynamic pose. 🙂

    Cute robot and chibi dog are next… hmmmm hmmm hmm wish I could start right now but I’m at work! Thanks for the assignment. Must take photo and upload tonight… 😀

  5. angkb said,

    November 16, 2009 at 6:33 pm

    I’m the lucky one who received your desert woman ATC. Thank you so much! She is beautiful: )

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