Elephants and Mushrooms

So this first swap ATC swap art I did was ‘Design an Elephant’. We all had the same template and we desined it however we wanted. These are the two that I designed.

indian elephantThe first elephant I drew I based on the way elephants are decorated at Indian Festivals. The background is supposed to look like a Henna Tattoo.

camoflaugeThe second one I based off the fact that my swap partner likes giraffes. This is my first attempt at zebra stripes, for some reason I’ve always thought they were a little intimidating.

If you want to see the other ‘design an elephants’ go to this website: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1147381@N24/pool/ I like the aquarium elephant.

The second art challenge I had was I had to base my ATC on mushrooms. I got the idea for my first ATC from a picture I had seen on DeviantART. I couldn’t find it again, but it really was a beautiful picture.

mushroom momI call this one Mother Nature or Mushroom Mom.

The second one I did….I couldn’t help myself……

mario mushroom

There’s a mushroom involved…….although I can pretty much garuntee that this isn’t what they were thinking when they said do a Mushroom ATC.


I drew these a week ago, but I’m just getting around to posting them now. Tomorrow is going to be a big drawing day I feel, so hopefully I’ll have something to post again this week.


This one I had to create an ATC that had to do with Autumn. I don’t like how teh colored pencils worked out, I think I just need to learn how to draw with them better. Or I need to find a brand I like better, cause I’m not the biggest fan of the one I use currently.

artistic 3

Once again I was trying to work with colored pencils and not doing that great. I’ve been doing very simple things lately and now I feel like I need to start a project that is going to take some time and more effort.

Quote Card

I collect quotes, so I enjoyed this challenge. It was to pick a favorite quote (very difficult) and then to draw it. I really enjoyed doing this. I’m working on a whole book of quotes. What I think I might do is make a sketchbook of quotes and drawings that go with them.

quote and more

Gotta love ATCs. I really like the one of the left, I think the one of the right could have come out better. I didn’t use the best watercolor paper, so I think that has a lot to do with it.

Caught Up! Art Swaps!

I know I haven’t been around. I got in a bad funk, but now I’m back, posting, and working on art. Yay! These are some pieces I’ve finished in the last few days.


This challenge was to create a piece with tea and a dessert. Yay blueberry muffins!

out pocket

in pocket

This challenge was to create an ATC with a pocket on it. The little card says “Some day’s there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.”


This challenge said to include geishas. I was going to draw one, but I wanted to incorperate the japanese paper and lettering. And let’s not lie, I was on a bit of a time crunch. I’ll probably draw a geisha soonly, I have a few reference photos I want to use.

Last, but not Least……

puppup 1

I got to paint the fire hydrant outside of the vet clinic. I think it came out alright. It makes me smile and I’ve gotten some fun compliments on it.

And that’s all for now. Tune in next time for……some other stuff!

Pastels and Paris

I had an ATC swap where the only rule is I have to draw, no collage or scrapbooking. Well, my first subject was WALLE. I watched the movie the other day and it never ceases to amaze me that I laugh and smile everytime. That little animated robot has more character and personality then some people I know. So I had to draw him. I used pastels (as you can see by the nice big black smudge mark on the top left) and I’m relatively happy with how he came out. My second ATC was inspired by a postcard I got in the mail the other day. It was pretty and pastel, which the eiffel tower, swirlies, and birds. I really liked the style and I tried to copy it, to some extent. I’m surprisingly bad at swirlies, I can’t get them to flow right. Anyway, the postcard is hanging on my wall, I might try to draw using that style again, we’ll see. The Paris ATC was made with colored pencils.  I think it would have been more fun with pastels. Oh well, you live, you learn.


One thing I do like about pastels. They really do make me feel like a real artist because my hands end up looking like this:

DSC02444Even if my drawings don’t turn out well, I at least look like an artist.

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